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Magento 2.3 it's not working properly in localhost

I have installed Magento 2.3 in my localhost and it's a successfully installed. But When I open an admin URL it comes with blank URL. Also, my homepage comes without Magento default logo. And i am facing another issue on homepage When I clicked on to create an account it redirects successfully but it comes with a blank page.

enter image description here

Please see attached images for better ideas.

enter image description here


  • I think this small hack will help you. i remebered i had an same issue some time back so may be this one will help you. You have to change some code in Validator.php. In the Validator.php there is one method(isPathInDirectories) so you have to change the below line

    $realPath = $this->fileDriver->getRealPath($path);


    $realPath = str_replace('\\', '/', $this->fileDriver->getRealPath($path));

    Path : ...vendor\Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\File\Validator.php