I'm using SQL Server 2008R2 and I'm trying to split given month by week ranges. I got the following solution. But, I want days between (Mon-Fri) not (Sun-Sat). How can I do this?
DECLARE @start_date DATETIME, @end_date DATETIME
DECLARE @Table table(StartDate datetime,Enddate datetime,WeekNo int)
SET @start_date = '1 Dec 2018'
SET @end_date = '31 Dec 2018'
SELECT MIN(dt), MAX(dt), w
SELECT dt, year(dt) y, DATEPART(week,dt) w
SELECT @start_date + (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) - 1) dt
FROM sys.columns s1 cross join sys.columns s2
) q
WHERE dt BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date
) a
group by y,w
Select * from @Table order by startdate, weekno
One option would be to generate only records and gets the monday dates between @start_date and @end_date
After that ensure the boundary conditions are taken into account for
DECLARE @start_date DATETIME, @end_date DATETIME
DECLARE @Table table(StartDate datetime,Enddate datetime,WeekNo int)
SET @start_date = '1 Nov 2018'
SET @end_date = '30 Nov 2018'
set datefirst 1;
SELECT dt as start_of_week
,dateadd(dd,4,dt) as end_of_week
,DATEPART(week,dt) w
SELECT @start_date + (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) - 1) dt
FROM sys.columns s1 cross join sys.columns s2
) q
WHERE dt BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date
AND datepart(dw,q.dt)=1 /*Gets only the days beginning from monday*/
--AND dateadd(dd,4,q.dt) <= @end_date /*Ignore any records which cross over the @end_date*/
Select * from @Table order by startdate, weekno