I'm trying to run the following code but is encountering the "was unexpected at this time" error.
(echo COPY (SELECT ta.colA as name, ta.colB as user_e, ta.colC as user_n, ta.activation_dt, ta.creation_dt, MAX(tb.update_dt) as updated_at, MAX(tb.login_dt) as lastest_login, tc.colD as roleFROM tblA ta, tblB tb, tblC tc WHERE ta.id = tb.tb_id AND ta.tc_id = tc.id AND tc.colD <> 'Guest' GROUP BY ta.colA, ta.colB, ta.colC, ta.activation_dt, ta.creation_dt, tc.colD ORDER BY ta.colA, tc.colD^^^) TO 'E:\Details.csv' CSV DELIMITER ',' HEADER;) | psql -h localhost -p 8060 -U uname -d dbase
Looking for some insights please. Thank you.
Try adding some quotes around the SQL, and lose the brackets:
echo "COPY ..." | psql -h localhost -p 8060 -U uname -d dbase
or use -c
psql -h localhost -p 8060 -U uname -d dbase -c "COPY ..."
I prefer the -c
because it works on all OS