My pyhton3 script downloads a number of images over the internet using urlretrieve, and I'd like to add a progressbar with a completed percentage and download speed for each download.
The progressbar module seems like a good solution, but although I've looked through their examples, and example4 seems like the right thing, I still can't understand how to wrap it around the urlretrieve.
I guess I should add a third parameter:
urllib.request.urlretrieve('img_url', 'img_filename', some_progressbar_based_reporthook)
But how do I properly define it?
I think a better solution is to create a class that has all the needed state
import progressbar
class MyProgressBar():
def __init__(self):
self.pbar = None
def __call__(self, block_num, block_size, total_size):
if not self.pbar:
downloaded = block_num * block_size
if downloaded < total_size:
and call :
urllib.request.urlretrieve('img_url', 'img_filename', MyProgressBar())