I'm working on a small function which highlight keyword in text. Before I used regular expression to replace original text with the highlighted one which worked too, but recently I had time to rewrite this function. I need some assistance about performance vise or how can be improved. Anybody who have any ideas how to improve I would appreciate one help.
function highlight($search, $subject, $htmlTag = 'mark')
if (empty($search) === true) {
return $subject;
$searchParts = explode(' ', str_replace("'", '', iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $search)));
$subjectParts = explode(' ', str_replace("'", '', iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $subject)));
$originalSubject = explode(' ', $subject);
$result = [];
foreach ($subjectParts as $row => $subjectPart) {
foreach ($searchParts as $searchPart) {
if (false !== $pos = stripos($subjectPart, $searchPart)) {
$result[] = mb_substr($originalSubject[$row], 0, $pos) . '<' . $htmlTag . '>' . mb_substr($originalSubject[$row], $pos, mb_strlen($searchPart)) . '</' . $htmlTag . '>' . mb_substr($originalSubject[$row], $pos + mb_strlen($searchPart));
continue 2;
$result[] = $originalSubject[$row];
return implode(' ', $result);
Edit: iconv needed because this function will replace text which contains accented characters.
Edit 2: example: highlight('prijimac HD815', 'Satelitný prijímač, Amiko HD8155');
result: "Satelitný prijímač, Amiko HD8155"
Here's what I would simply do:
function prepare($pattern)
// Add any other accented character you wanna handle
$replacements = [
'a' => '[aáàäâ]',
'c' => '[cč]',
'e' => '[eéèëê]',
'i' => '[ií]',
'y' => '[yý]'
return str_replace(array_keys($replacements), $replacements, $pattern);
function highlight($search, $subject, $htmlTag = 'mark')
$pattern = '/' . preg_replace('/\s+/', '|', prepare(preg_quote(trim($search)))) . '/u';
return preg_replace($pattern, "<$htmlTag>$0</$htmlTag>", $subject);
Demo: https://3v4l.org/MUX9b