Using the CLI, I'd like to add a black rectangle to an image that is 1) centered and 2) X pixels from every edge.
Basically, I almost want the opposite of -border
(instead of adding a border of a certain color, I'd like to keep X pixels of my image as border, then paint everything else inside black. Also, image size should not change).
Something that I expected to work but didn't was:
convert myImage.jpg -fill black -draw "rectangle 10,10 %[fx:w-20],%[fx:h-20]" outImage.jpg
...for a "border" of 10 pixels. It looks like -draw
doesn't accept FX operators or attributes, although I found somewhere (like in How can I use imagemagick attributes in the draw rectangle command?) that it should in IM 7.x (which is what I'm using).
In ImageMagick 7, you should use magick and not convert. Using convert will make calls to ImageMagick 6 which does not support the fx in-line operations. In ImageMagick 7, do it this way for a 10 pixel border of image about the black rectangle:
magick lena.jpg -fill black -draw "rectangle 10,10 %[fx:w-11],%[fx:h-11]" result.jpg
Note that one should use 11 rather than 10, since the last pixel in the image is w-1,h-1. Numbering starts at 0. So I have corrected my original answer above.