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Checking for time

I have a form field which may have a date and may have a time in it. I need to confirm that both a date and time are present.

 <input type="text" name="transdate" ... />

I can use isDate(form.transdate) to check if there is a date, but it does not check if there is a time. I wish there was a isTime() function.


The date time fields can be made to have

enter image description here

These fields are concatinated via

 date_cat = "#form.trans_date# #form.trans_date_h#:#form.trans_date_m# #form.trans_date_t#";

When I run this code:

cat: #date_cat# isValid(date): #isValid('date', date_cat)# isValid(time): #isValid('time', date_cat)#

I get

cat: 12/05/2018 :24 PM isValid(date): YES isValid(time): YES


  • Some people hate regular expressions. I love them. Why not just check the concatenated string?

    dtRegEx = "^(0[1-9]|1[0-2])/(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])/[1-9][0-9]{3} (0[0-9]|1[0-2]):[0-5][0-9] (am|pm)$";
    if (reFind(dtRegEx, date_cat) and isDate(date_cat)) {
        // valid datetime
    } else {
        // invalid datetime

    RegEx Breakdown

        string has to start with the whole pattern
        month in range from 01 to 09 or 10 to 12
        date delimiter
        day in range from 01 to 09, 10 to 29 or 30 to 31
        date delimiter
        year in range from 1000 to 9999
        space, literally
        hour in range from 00 to 09 or 10 to 12
        time delimiter
        seconds in range from 00 to 59
        space, again
        the meridiem stuff you guys from US and UK like so much :P
        string has to end with the whole pattern

    Note that the above pattern could still have you end up with invalid day ranges like 02/31/2018, that's why you should still check with isDate().