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How to import ros to PyCharm

I am developing a robot using the ros framework. As ide, I use PyCharm. But I can’t import ros into it. On the ros site there is the article about ide There is information about using ros with pycharm. I have to modify the .desktop file, but I installed PyCharm using a snap from the software center. Where can I find the .desktop file for snap applications? Can there be another method to import ros into PyCharm?

Edit: @hug Yes, I launched this command here is the result


I think that the .swp file has remained since the last reinstallation of PyCharm. I reinstalled when I tried to do it myself and realized that I had broken the program.


  • If you want to use from the auto-suggestion with ROS packages in Pycharm IDE, you could do the following instructions:

    1. File > Settings (or Ctrl+Alt+s as shortcut)> Project: > Project interpreter.

    2. In the project interpreter dropdown list, you can specify ROS Python interpreter by selecting the appropriate from the list.


    You could add a virtual environment with the above instructions, then you should add ROS distpackages (roslib) on it with this instruction.

    ROS distpackages path that you need: /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/distpackages