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Recursive type annotations

I'm trying to introduce static type annotations to my codebase where applicable. One case is when reading a JSON, the resulting object will be a dictionary keyed by strings, with values of one of the following types:

  • bool
  • str
  • float
  • int
  • list
  • dict

However the list and dict above can contain that same sort of dictionary, leading to a recursive definition. Is this representable in Python3's type structure?


  • As of mypy 0.990, mypy finally supports recursive type annotations, using the natural syntax:

    from typing import Union, Dict, List
    JSONVal = Union[None, bool, str, float, int, List['JSONVal'], Dict[str, 'JSONVal']]
    d: JSONVal = {'a': ['b']}

    mypy output:

    Success: no issues found in 1 source file

    Before 0.990, this would produce an error reporting a lack of recursive type support:

    $ mypy error: Recursive types not fully supported yet, nested types replaced with "Any"

    On such versions, Dict[str, Any] would be the way to go.

    You can also use mutually recursive type aliases now, so you can do things like

    from typing import Union, Dict, List
    JSONVal = Union[None, bool, str, float, int, 'JSONArray', 'JSONObject']
    JSONArray = List[JSONVal]
    JSONObject = Dict[str, JSONVal]
    d: JSONObject = {'a': ['b']}