I want to use the libDAI C++ library within an R-package and want the package:
My current setup is:
Modify Makevar file:
# include libraries
PKG_CPPFLAGS =-I../inst/include/
PKG_LIBS = -Llib -l../lib/libdai.a
My script for accessing the libDAI library is (test.cpp in src/):
#include <dai/factorgraph.h>
#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <cmath>
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace std;
using namespace dai;
//' Creates libDAI factor graph object
//' @param factor_graph character definition of the factor graph
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void initialize_factor_graph(const char* factor_graph) {
// read the factor graph from the string
std::istringstream fgStream(factor_graph);
FactorGraph net;
net.ReadFromString( fgStream );
// Output some information about the factorgraph
cout << "Factor graph has " << net.nrVars() << " variables" << endl;
cout << "Factor graph has " << net.nrFactors() << " factors" << endl;
running Rscript -e "Rcpp::compileAttributes('libdai')"
, followed by R CMD INSTALL libdai
returns the error:
Error: package or namespace load failed for 'libdai' in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
unable to load shared object
/home/jk/libs/R/libdai/libs/libdai.so: undefined symbol: _ZTVN3dai11FactorGraphE
Error: loading failed
So my questions are:
My question is closely related to this and this question and several other post related to referencing static libraries, however I was not able to solve my problem with these links.
You can either use -L<directory> -l<name>
or <path>
, i.e. in your case
PKG_LIBS = -L../lib -ldai
PKG_LIBS = ../lib/libdai.a
The headers for libDAI
are only used internally. One cannot link to the functions declared in these headers. I would therefore not use inst/include
for these headers.
The gmp library seems to be available on the CRAN builders, c.f. https://github.com/cran/gmp and https://cran.r-project.org/package=gmp. It seems that libDAI requires linking to boost (program options), c.f. https://bitbucket.org/jorism/libdai/src/83bd24a4c5bf17b0592a7b5b21e26bf052881833/Makefile.LINUX?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default#Makefile.LINUX-49. However, looking at the actual Makefile
it seems this is only used for tests and utility programs. So you might get away with the boost headers provided by the BH package.
This is a common approach on Windows (c.f. https://github.com/rwinlib), but I find it unusual for Linux. The more common approach would be one of:
For all three approaches there are numerous examples on CRAN and GitHub. It is difficult to make a recommendation, though. I probably would go for "include the sources in the package" and use the Makefile provided by upstream as a starting point for building the library.