I am developing a Secure Sequence Detector, which is a FSM, by using 3 different processes. It has as input num_in (8 bits) that represents the input number and a first input (1 bit) that has to be '1' only during the first number, otherwise the FSM goes in a state with fixed output. This condition can happen again if the user insert 3 wrong input sequences. The output is composed by an unlock signal (equal to '1' if the sequence is correct) and by a warning signal (equal to '1' if the sequence is wrong), and they both have to be updated every 5 clock cycles, since the sequence is composed by 5 numbers, even if one of the input is wrong. The first process is:
state_register_p : process(rst, clk)
if rst = '0' then -- initial state, asynchronous rst
current_state <= S0;
elsif (clk'EVENT and clk = '1') then
if(rst = '0') then
current_state <= S0;
--errors <= -1;
current_state <= next_state;
five_cycles <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned((to_integer(unsigned(five_cycles)) + 1), five_cycles'length));
if to_integer(unsigned(five_cycles)) = 5 then
five_cycles <= "001";
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process state_register_p;
In this FSM I receive each clock a number on 8 bits and I have to check if it is in the right sequence, if it is not, after 5 cycle from the beginnig I set an error. When the error = 3, the FSM goes in another state in which the unlock is fixed at 0 and the warning at 1, until a reset is given as input again and the FSM starts from the initial S0 state. My testbench code is like that:
clk_tb <= (not(clk_tb) and end_sim) after T_CLK / 2;
rst_tb <= '1' after T_RESET;
d_process: process(clk_tb, rst_tb)
variable t : integer := 0;
if(rst_tb = '0') then
num_in_tb <= (others => '0');
first_tb <= '0';
t := 0;
elsif(rising_edge(clk_tb)) then
case(t) is
-- correct
when 1 => num_in_tb <= "00100100"; first_tb <= '1'; --36
when 2 => num_in_tb <= "00010011"; first_tb <= '0'; --19
when 3 => num_in_tb <= "00111000"; first_tb <= '0'; --56
when 4 => num_in_tb <= "01100101"; first_tb <= '0'; --101
when 5 => num_in_tb <= "01001001"; first_tb <= '0'; --73
--invalid because of the num_in (error = 1, but still < 3)
when 6 => num_in_tb <= "00100100"; first_tb <= '1'; --36
when 7 => num_in_tb <= "00010011"; first_tb <= '0'; --19
when 8 => num_in_tb <= "00111000"; first_tb <= '0'; --56
when 9 => num_in_tb <= "01100100"; first_tb <= '0'; --100
when 10 => num_in_tb <= "01001001"; first_tb <= '0'; --73
--invalid because of the two first (blocking condition)
when 11=> num_in_tb <= "00100101"; first_tb <= '0'; --37
when 12=> num_in_tb <= "00100110"; first_tb <= '1'; --38
when 13=> num_in_tb <= "00100111"; first_tb <= '1'; --39
--reset is needed
when 14=> rst_tb <= '0', '1' after T_RESET; --unknown behavior here
-- correct
when 15 => num_in_tb <= "00100100"; first_tb <= '1'; --36
when 16 => num_in_tb <= "00010011"; first_tb <= '0'; --19
when 17 => num_in_tb <= "00111000"; first_tb <= '0'; --56
when 18 => num_in_tb <= "01100101"; first_tb <= '0'; --101
when 19 => num_in_tb <= "01001001"; first_tb <= '0'; --73
when 20 => end_sim <= '0';
when others => null; -- Specifying that nothing happens in the other cases
end case;
t := t + 1;
end if;
end process;
I would like to insert something like that when 14=> rst_tb <= '0', '1' after T_RESET; to reset my FMS. How can I do it? Thanks
You currently have rst_tb
driven in multiple locations which is a conflict. Remove it from outside of d_process
, and remove rst_tb
from your sensitivity list. Then your if-statement will be:
if rising_edge(clk_tb) then ...
You can create a when 0 =>
clause on your t
variable where you perform resetting:
when 0 =>
num_in_tb <= (others=>'0');
first_tb <= '0';
t := 0;
rst_tb <= '0', '1' after T_RESET;
Then you can have rst_tb
driven again in your when 14 =>
when 14 =>
rst_tb <= '0', '1' after T_RESET;
You will have to make your T_RESET
shorter than a clk_tb
period, or your state_register_p
process will start missing stimulus from d_process
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
library STD;
use STD.textio.all;
entity tb is
end tb;
architecture arch of tb is
constant T_RESET : time := 5 ns;
constant T_CLK : time := 10 ns;
signal clk_tb : std_logic := '0';
signal rst_tb : std_logic := '0';
signal trig_rst : std_logic := '0';
signal num_in_tb : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal first_tb : std_logic := '0';
signal end_sim : std_logic := '1';
-- rst_tb <= '0','1' after T_RESET;
clk_tb <= (not(clk_tb) and end_sim) after T_CLK / 2;
--d_process: process(clk_tb, rst_tb)
d_process: process(clk_tb)
variable t : integer := 0;
-- if(rst_tb = '0') then
-- num_in_tb <= (others => '0');
-- first_tb <= '0';
-- t := 0;
-- elsif(rising_edge(clk_tb)) then
if(rising_edge(clk_tb)) then
case(t) is
when 0 =>
num_in_tb <= (others=>'0');
first_tb <= '0';
rst_tb <= '0', '1' after T_RESET;
-- correct
when 1 => num_in_tb <= "00100100"; first_tb <= '1'; --36
when 2 => num_in_tb <= "00010011"; first_tb <= '0'; --19
when 3 => num_in_tb <= "00111000"; first_tb <= '0'; --56
when 4 => num_in_tb <= "01100101"; first_tb <= '0'; --101
when 5 => num_in_tb <= "01001001"; first_tb <= '0'; --73
--invalid because of the num_in (error = 1, but still < 3)
when 6 => num_in_tb <= "00100100"; first_tb <= '1'; --36
when 7 => num_in_tb <= "00010011"; first_tb <= '0'; --19
when 8 => num_in_tb <= "00111000"; first_tb <= '0'; --56
when 9 => num_in_tb <= "01100100"; first_tb <= '0'; --100
when 10 => num_in_tb <= "01001001"; first_tb <= '0'; --73
--invalid because of the two first (blocking condition)
when 11 => num_in_tb <= "00100101"; first_tb <= '0'; --37
when 12 => num_in_tb <= "00100110"; first_tb <= '1'; --38
when 13 => num_in_tb <= "00100111"; first_tb <= '1'; --39
--reset is needed
when 14 => rst_tb <= '0', '1' after T_RESET; --unknown behavior here
-- correct
when 15 => num_in_tb <= "00100100"; first_tb <= '1'; --36
when 16 => num_in_tb <= "00010011"; first_tb <= '0'; --19
when 17 => num_in_tb <= "00111000"; first_tb <= '0'; --56
when 18 => num_in_tb <= "01100101"; first_tb <= '0'; --101
when 19 => num_in_tb <= "01001001"; first_tb <= '0'; --73
when 20 => end_sim <= '0';
when others => null; -- Specifying that nothing happens in the other cases
end case;
t := t + 1;
end if;
end process d_process;
end arch;