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How the check that I'm editing specific page Interop.Word

In my app I'm editing a word document, I want to modify some values but I want the changes to affect the first page, only:

The content of the first page is like:


and I want to modify it to:

USER: aaa

I have tried like:

object objMiss = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
object objEndOfDocFlag = "\\endofdoc"; /* \endofdoc is a predefined bookmark */ //Start Word and create a new document.
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word._Application objApp;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word._Document objDoc;

//load the document:
 objDoc = objApp.Documents.Open(@"C:\Users\BugsFixer\file.docx", ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss);

int count = objDoc.Words.Count;
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
    string text = objDoc.Words[i].Text;
    if (text.StartsWith("USER"))
         objDoc.Words[i].Text = "USER: aaa";
    if (text.StartsWith("COMPANY"))
         objDoc.Words[i].Text = "COMPANY: bbb";                  

but this woud change all "USER" strings. I need something like:

if(current page is one)
//replace USER with USER:aaa
//replace COMPANY with COMPANY:bbb

How to check that I'm editing a specific page i.e in my case page 1?


  • Word has an interesting method: get_Information which takes an argument of the enumeration Word.WdInformation. There are a number of useful things this can return, among them, the current page number of a selection or Range.

    Since the Word object returns a Range it's possible to query the page number something like this:

    Word.Range rngWord = objDoc.Words[i];
    string text = rngWord.Text;
    int pgNumber = rngWord.get_Information(Word.WdInformation.wdActiveEndPageNumber);
    if (pgNumber = 1)
          if (text.StartsWith("USER"))
          { //and so on

    Note that it's also possible to use foreach with the Words collection instead of getting the count of Words in the document and using a for loop.

    All that being said, the code would probably be more efficient if it used Word's Find functionality instead of looping word-by-word...