I am trying to extract text from the page tag <dd></dd>
with this command in srapy shell:
[w.strip() for w in response.xpath('//ul[@class="attribute-list"]/li/dl/dd/text()').extract()]
The dd tag looks like this:
<dd> Edelstahl <br>gebürstet (silberfarben) </dd>
scrapy returns:
'Edelstahl', 'gebürstet (silberfarben)', more dd elements...
Now it is important that I get either only the first element "Edelstahl" or both compined "Edelstahl gebürstet (silberfarben)", but in any case not two elements from one dd tag. How can this be achieved?
You could use:
[w.xpath('string()').extract_first().strip() for w in response.xpath('//ul[@class="attribute-list"]/li/dl/dd')]