While launching ipconfig /all
, I can see the description and the physical address (MAC address) of the computers on my computer:
Description : Intel ...
Physical address : 48-4D-...
Description : Teamviewer VPN adapter
Physical address : 00-FF-...
From the description, I can see which MAC address belongs to my PC and which one belongs to the VPN adapter.
Can I also find this out without reading the description? Is there a way to distinguish VPN related MAC address from "real" ones? (A Windows API answer is preferred, if possible)
There are databases for the MAC addresses, for example from Wireshark.
Since my powershell is utterly bad, I just wrote a small program to iterate over this list and check for a match in the file by Wireshark.
You may check it out and modify as you want: https://github.com/maio290/MacChecker
If no vendor is found for the device, I guess you can assume that this device is a virutal one.