Search code examples

pincode or zipcode not getting from geocode

I am developing a flutter app. I want to print the pincode zip code of place. I am using geocoder library. The version is geocoder 0.1.1 . I am trying the example shown library page The problem is pincode or zip code is not getting. It not coming. But the pincode is showing in address line.

        var geocoding = AppState.of(context).mode;
        var longitude = double.parse(_controllerLongitude.text);
        var latitude = double.parse(_controllerLatitude.text);
        var results = await geocoding.findAddressesFromCoordinates(new Coordinates(latitude, longitude));
        this.setState(() {
            this.results = results;
    catch(e) {
        print("Error occured: $e");
    finally {
        this.setState(() {
            this.isLoading = false;

The results[0].addressLinewill show address line with pincode. But results[0].postalCode showing null. How to solve the issue? Please help me? I am new to flutter.



  • The problem is solved after changing the version. I changed the version geocoder to 0.1.2.