I am attempting to estimate an ordered logit model incl. the marginal effects in R through following the code from this tutorial. I am using polr
from the MASS
package to estimate the model and ocME
from the erer
package to attempt to calculate the marginal effects.
Estimating the model is no problem.
logitModelSentiment90 <- polr(availability_90_ord ~ mean_sentiment, data = data, Hess = T,
method = "logistic")
However, I run into an issue with ocME
which generates the error message below:
Error in eval(predvars, data, env) :
numeric 'envir' arg not of length one
The documentation below for ocME
states that the object that should be used needs to come from the polr function which seems to be exactly what I am doing.
ocME(w, rev.dum = TRUE, digits = 3)
w = an ordered probit or logit model object estimated by polr from the MASS library.
So can anybody help me to understand what I am doing wrong? I have published a subset of my data with the two variables for the model here. In R I have the DV set up as a factor variable, the IV is continuous.
Side note:
I can pass the calculation to Stata from R with RStata
to calculate the marginal effects without any problems. But I don't want to have to do this on a regular basis so I want to understand what is causing the issue with R and ocME
stata("ologit availability_90_ord mean_sentiment
mfx", data.in = data)
. ologit availability_90_ord mean_sentiment
Iteration 0: log likelihood = -15379.121
Iteration 1: log likelihood = -15378.742
Iteration 2: log likelihood = -15378.742
Ordered logistic regression Number of obs = 11,901
LR chi2(1) = 0.76
Prob > chi2 = 0.3835
Log likelihood = -15378.742 Pseudo R2 = 0.0000
avail~90_ord | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
mean_senti~t | .0044728 .0051353 0.87 0.384 -.0055922 .0145379
/cut1 | -1.14947 .0441059 -1.235916 -1.063024
/cut2 | -.5286239 .042808 -.6125261 -.4447217
/cut3 | .3127556 .0426782 .2291079 .3964034
. mfx
Marginal effects after ologit
y = Pr(availability_90_ord==1) (predict)
= .23446398
variable | dy/dx Std. Err. z P>|z| [ 95% C.I. ] X
mean_s~t | -.0008028 .00092 -0.87 0.384 -.002609 .001004 7.55768
Your model has only one explanatory variable (mean_sentiment
) and this seems to be a problem for ocME
. Try for example to add a second variable to the model:
logitModelSentiment90 <- polr(availability_90_ord ~ mean_sentiment + I(mean_sentiment^2),
data = data, Hess = T, method = "logistic")
# effect.0 effect.1 effect.2 effect.3
# mean_sentiment -0.004 -0.001 0 0.006
# I(mean_sentiment^2) 0.000 0.000 0 0.000
With minor modifications ocME
can correctly run also with one independent variable.
Try the following myocME
myocME <- function (w, rev.dum = TRUE, digits = 3)
if (!inherits(w, "polr")) {
stop("Need an ordered choice model from 'polr()'.\n")
if (w$method != "probit" & w$method != "logistic") {
stop("Need a probit or logit model.\n")
lev <- w$lev
J <- length(lev)
x.name <- attr(x = w$terms, which = "term.labels")
x2 <- w$model[, x.name, drop=FALSE]
ww <- paste("~ 1", paste("+", x.name, collapse = " "), collapse = " ")
x <- model.matrix(as.formula(ww), data = x2)[, -1, drop=FALSE]
x.bar <- as.matrix(colMeans(x))
b.est <- as.matrix(coef(w))
K <- nrow(b.est)
xb <- t(x.bar) %*% b.est
z <- c(-10^6, w$zeta, 10^6)
pfun <- switch(w$method, probit = pnorm, logistic = plogis)
dfun <- switch(w$method, probit = dnorm, logistic = dlogis)
V2 <- vcov(w)
V3 <- rbind(cbind(V2, 0, 0), 0, 0)
ind <- c(1:K, nrow(V3) - 1, (K + 1):(K + J - 1), nrow(V3))
V4 <- V3[ind, ]
V5 <- V4[, ind]
f.xb <- dfun(z[1:J] - c(xb)) - dfun(z[2:(J + 1)] - c(xb))
me <- b.est %*% matrix(data = f.xb, nrow = 1)
colnames(me) <- paste("effect", lev, sep = ".")
se <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = J)
for (j in 1:J) {
u1 <- c(z[j] - xb)
u2 <- c(z[j + 1] - xb)
if (w$method == "probit") {
s1 <- -u1
s2 <- -u2
else {
s1 <- 1 - 2 * pfun(u1)
s2 <- 1 - 2 * pfun(u2)
d1 <- dfun(u1) * (diag(1, K, K) - s1 * (b.est %*% t(x.bar)))
d2 <- -1 * dfun(u2) * (diag(1, K, K) - s2 * (b.est %*%
q1 <- dfun(u1) * s1 * b.est
q2 <- -1 * dfun(u2) * s2 * b.est
dr <- cbind(d1 + d2, q1, q2)
V <- V5[c(1:K, K + j, K + j + 1), c(1:K, K + j, K + j +
cova <- dr %*% V %*% t(dr)
se[, j] <- sqrt(diag(cova))
colnames(se) <- paste("SE", lev, sep = ".")
rownames(se) <- colnames(x)
if (rev.dum) {
for (k in 1:K) {
if (identical(sort(unique(x[, k])), c(0, 1))) {
for (j in 1:J) {
x.d1 <- x.bar
x.d1[k, 1] <- 1
x.d0 <- x.bar
x.d0[k, 1] <- 0
ua1 <- z[j] - t(x.d1) %*% b.est
ub1 <- z[j + 1] - t(x.d1) %*% b.est
ua0 <- z[j] - t(x.d0) %*% b.est
ub0 <- z[j + 1] - t(x.d0) %*% b.est
me[k, j] <- pfun(ub1) - pfun(ua1) - (pfun(ub0) -
d1 <- (dfun(ua1) - dfun(ub1)) %*% t(x.d1) -
(dfun(ua0) - dfun(ub0)) %*% t(x.d0)
q1 <- -dfun(ua1) + dfun(ua0)
q2 <- dfun(ub1) - dfun(ub0)
dr <- cbind(d1, q1, q2)
V <- V5[c(1:K, K + j, K + j + 1), c(1:K, K +
j, K + j + 1)]
se[k, j] <- sqrt(c(dr %*% V %*% t(dr)))
t.value <- me/se
p.value <- 2 * (1 - pt(abs(t.value), w$df.residual))
out <- list()
for (j in 1:J) {
out[[j]] <- round(cbind(effect = me[, j], error = se[,
j], t.value = t.value[, j], p.value = p.value[, j]),
out[[J + 1]] <- round(me, digits)
names(out) <- paste("ME", c(lev, "all"), sep = ".")
result <- listn(w, out)
class(result) <- "ocME"
and run the following code:
logitModelSentiment90 <- polr(availability_90_ord ~ mean_sentiment,
data = data, Hess = T, method = "logistic")
# effect.0 effect.1 effect.2 effect.3
# mean_sentiment -0.001 0 0 0.001