Using Zend _gdata. For some reason, recently the $when string is no longer utf-8. I need to convert it to utf-8. All the other fields are working fine.
foreach ($feed as $event) { //iterating through all events
$contentText = stripslashes($event->content->text); //striping any escape character
$contentText = preg_replace('/\<br \/\>[\n\t\s]{1,}\<br \/\>/','<br />',stripslashes($event->content->text)); //replacing multiple breaks with a single break
$contentText = explode('<br />',$contentText); //splitting data by break tag
$eventData = filterEventDetails($contentText);
$when = $eventData['when'];
$where = $eventData['where'];
$duration = $eventData['duration'];
$title = stripslashes($event->title);
echo '<li class="pastShows">' . $when . " - " . $title . ", " . $where . '</li>';
How do I make $when
Depending on what encoding that string is using, you should be able to encode it to UTF-8 using one of the following functions :
For example :
$when = utf8_encode($eventData['when']);
Or :
$when = iconv('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', $eventData['when']);