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TYPO3 default locallang.xlf when the website's base language is not English

I have a website which has as base language the Greek language. So on my fluid i have a <f:translate key="more_button" /> viewhelper.

Since the locallang.xlf has to be always in English and i can not add a file with the name en.locallang.xlf, i have no idea how to turn into Greek.

I tried to override it with TypoScript but i failed.

I tried something like that: = Value = Value

Though on my TOB my plugin does not show, since i havent included any static template, so i do not know how valid is the idea.

The next thing i tried is that: locallang.xlf


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <xliff version="1.0">
  <file source-language="en" datatype="plaintext" original="messages" date="2017-07-18T14:10:33Z" product-name="bw_apoKardias_base">
        <trans-unit id="more_button" xml:space="preserve">

and the i created a file gr.locallang.xlf

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <xliff version="1.0">
   <file source-language="en" target-language="gr" datatype="plaintext" original="messages" date="2017-07-18T14:10:33Z" product-name="bw_apoKardias_base">
        <trans-unit id="more_button" xml:space="preserve">

I hoped that TYPO3 somehow will understand (TypoScript Configuration) which language is my base language and it would automatically read the gr.locallang but it doesn't work.

My TypoScript:

config {
  uniqueLinkVars = 1
  linkVars = L(int)
  sys_language_uid = 0
  sys_language_mode = content_fallback;2,1,0
  sys_language_overlay = 0
  language = gr
  locale_all = gr_GR.utf8
  htmlTag_langKey = el
  htmlTag_dir = ltr
  htmlTag_setParams = lang="el" dir="ltr" class="no-js"


[globalVar = GP:L = 1]
  config {
     sys_language_uid = 1
     language = en
     locale_all = en_EN.UTF-8
     htmlTag_setParams = lang="en" dir="ltr" class="no-js"

Any ideas?


After the answer from @Morgus Lethe , my problem was actually the .. Apparently this . is necessary in order get the multi language function to work. Go figure.

I wouldn't find the solution to my problem if it wasnt for @Bernd Wilke πφ as well who pointed out that my language prefix was wrong. So thank you both for your help.

Best regards,


  • I only know for sure for Typo3 v9.5, which has great multilanguage functionality, but I have a very similiar situation: My default language is Slovenian, the url is And English is defined as an extra site language in the Site configuration, then added to my site through the List module. The url is

    In order to translate a label (for example) I have my locallang.xlf file, that contains something like this:

      <trans-unit id="" xml:space="preserve">

    And then I have my sl.locallang.xlf file (for Slovenian), which contains something like this:

      <trans-unit id="" xml:space="preserve">

    I can then use this in my fluid template, to translate the label:

    <f:translate key="LLL:EXT:myext/Resources/Private/Language/" />

    Typo3 then automatically detects which language it should display and uses the appropriate translation.

    Be careful, I think you have to use the . character to define the label, and also make sure that you have the correct language tag, locale and iso code in the language configuration.