I want to write function which returns a graph but it should not plot the graph. It should only plot the graph when I ask it to.
Here is a MWE.
graph_functions <- function(x) {
plot(1:length(x), x)
points(1:length(x), x^2)
t <- recordPlot()
answer <- graph_functions(1:10)
plot_grid(answer, answer)
In the above code I do not want it to plot the graph when I first compute the answer by calling graph_functions(1:10)
. I only want it to plot the graph when I use plot_grid()
You can open a null device and render to it. Note that if you're using cowplot with base-R graphics, you should upgrade to the development version, with devtools::install_github("wilkelab/cowplot")
. It provides much improved handling of base-R graphics.
graph_functions <- function(x) {
cur_dev <- grDevices::dev.cur() # store current device
pdf(NULL, width = 6, height = 6) # open null device
grDevices::dev.control("enable") # turn on recording for the null device
null_dev <- grDevices::dev.cur() # store null device
# make sure we always clean up properly, even if something causes an error
if (cur_dev > 1) grDevices::dev.set(cur_dev) # only set cur device if not null device
# plot
plot(1:length(x), x)
points(1:length(x), x^2)
answer1 <- graph_functions(1:10)
answer2 <- graph_functions(1:20)
cowplot::plot_grid(answer1, answer2)
Created on 2018-12-04 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)