as the title says i'm trying to create triples using SPARQL queries from visualstudio. Using the same SPARQL queries inside stardog studio works, but when i try to send them from visualstudio using the stardogconnector i get the following error:
An unhandled exception of type 'VDS.RDF.Query.RdfQueryException' occurred in dotNetRDF.dll Additional information: A HTTP error (HTTP 400 Bad Request) occured while querying the Store. Store returned the following error message: {"message":"Cannot execute update query on read endpoint"} See aforementioned status line or inner exception for further details occurred
Here is the code:
StardogConnector stardog = new StardogConnector("http://localhost:5820", "dbtest", "admin", "password");
string query = "INSERT DATA { <http://example/book1> dc:title \"test\"}";
As i said, inserting the same query inside stardog studio gives the right result. The database is online, the connection works (password etc. is correct),... I just don't know what the error means. Can anybody help? I don't find much online about this error.
When query
includes INSERT
, or other write action, you have to change stardog.Query(query);
(which is read-only) to stardog.Update(query);
(which is apparently write-only).