New to C++ and CUDA. Using MSVS 2015 Community and CUDA 9.2.
I tried making a transform_iterator that just dereferences a device_ptr.
I get a compilation error: function "dereference_device_double_functor::operator()" cannot be called with the given argument list
I also made a version that uses a host_vector and just a normal double pointer to make sure my functor usage is right.
#include <iostream>
#include "thrust\device_vector.h"
#include "thrust\host_vector.h"
struct dereference_device_double_functor
dereference_device_double_functor() {}
typedef thrust::device_reference<thrust::device_ptr<double>> argument_type;
typedef double result_type;
__host__ __device__
double operator()(thrust::device_reference<thrust::device_ptr<double>> xDpRef) const {
thrust::device_ptr<double> xDp = (thrust::device_ptr<double>)xDpRef;
return *xDp;
struct dereference_host_double_functor
dereference_host_double_functor() {}
typedef double* argument_type;
typedef double result_type;
__host__ __device__
double operator()(double* const& xPtr) const {
return *xPtr;
int main()
// Create double
thrust::device_vector<double> dv(1, 5);
thrust::host_vector<double> hv(1, 6);
// Make sure its there
std::cout << dv[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << hv[0] << std::endl;
// Create pointers to doubles
thrust::device_vector<thrust::device_ptr<double>> dvPtr(1);
thrust::device_vector<double*> hvPtr(1);
// Assign pointers to doubles
dvPtr[0] = &(dv[0]);
hvPtr[0] = &(hv[0]);
// Make sure pointers point correctly
std::cout << *((thrust::device_ptr<double>)dvPtr[0]) << std::endl;
std::cout << *(hvPtr[0]) << std::endl;
// Test functor with iterator
auto dvi = dvPtr.begin();
double dvd = dereference_device_double_functor()(*dvi);
auto hvi = hvPtr.begin();
double hvd = dereference_host_double_functor()(*hvi);
// Make sure it worked with iterator
std::cout << dvd << std::endl;
std::cout << hvd << std::endl;
// Make dereferencing transfom iterators
auto tik = thrust::make_transform_iterator(dvPtr.begin(), dereference_device_double_functor());
auto tij = thrust::make_transform_iterator(hvPtr.begin(), dereference_host_double_functor());
// Check that transform iterators work
//std::cout << *tik << std::endl; // Will cause compile error: function "dereference_device_double_functor::operator()" cannot be called with the given argument list
std::cout << *tij << std::endl;
return 0;
Thanks for all your help!
In your question, you state this:
I tried making a transform_iterator that just dereferences a device_ptr.
That's not what I see in your code, however:
__host__ __device__
double operator()(thrust::device_reference<thrust::device_ptr<double>> xDpRef) const {
When I compile your code on linux, I get the following (excerpted from compile error spew):
$ nvcc -std=c++11 -o t351
/usr/local/cuda/bin/..//include/thrust/iterator/transform_iterator.h(312): error: function "dereference_device_double_functor::operator()" cannot be called with the given argument list
argument types are: (thrust::device_ptr<double>)
object type is: dereference_device_double_functor
So thrust is passing you a thrust::device_ptr<double>
. But your functor operator is configured to take a thrust::device_reference<thrust::device_ptr<double>>
When I modify your code from this:
__host__ __device__
double operator()(thrust::device_reference<thrust::device_ptr<double>> xDpRef) const {
to this:
__host__ __device__
double operator()(thrust::device_ptr<double> xDpRef) const {
It compiles and runs correctly for me (on linux):
$ cat
#include <iostream>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
struct dereference_device_double_functor
dereference_device_double_functor() {}
typedef thrust::device_reference<thrust::device_ptr<double>> argument_type;
typedef double result_type;
__host__ __device__
double operator()(thrust::device_ptr<double> xDpRef) const {
thrust::device_ptr<double> xDp = (thrust::device_ptr<double>)xDpRef;
return *xDp;
struct dereference_host_double_functor
dereference_host_double_functor() {}
typedef double* argument_type;
typedef double result_type;
__host__ __device__
double operator()(double* const& xPtr) const {
return *xPtr;
int main()
// Create double
thrust::device_vector<double> dv(1, 5);
thrust::host_vector<double> hv(1, 6);
// Make sure its there
std::cout << dv[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << hv[0] << std::endl;
// Create pointers to doubles
thrust::device_vector<thrust::device_ptr<double>> dvPtr(1);
thrust::device_vector<double*> hvPtr(1);
// Assign pointers to doubles
dvPtr[0] = &(dv[0]);
hvPtr[0] = &(hv[0]);
// Make sure pointers point correctly
std::cout << *((thrust::device_ptr<double>)dvPtr[0]) << std::endl;
std::cout << *(hvPtr[0]) << std::endl;
// Test functor with iterator
auto dvi = dvPtr.begin();
double dvd = dereference_device_double_functor()(*dvi);
auto hvi = hvPtr.begin();
double hvd = dereference_host_double_functor()(*hvi);
// Make sure it worked with iterator
std::cout << dvd << std::endl;
std::cout << hvd << std::endl;
// Make dereferencing transfom iterators
auto tik = thrust::make_transform_iterator(dvPtr.begin(), dereference_device_double_functor());
auto tij = thrust::make_transform_iterator(hvPtr.begin(), dereference_host_double_functor());
// Check that transform iterators work
std::cout << *tik << std::endl; // Will cause compile error: function "dereference_device_double_functor::operator()" cannot be called with the given argument list
std::cout << *tij << std::endl;
return 0;
$ nvcc -std=c++11 -o t351
$ cuda-memcheck ./t351
========= ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors