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Write JSON with multiple inputs in R

I have a tibble and a list which I would like to write to a json file.

# A tibble: 2 x 12
  i     n             c                  x      
  <chr> <chr>         <chr>              <chr>  
1 NYC   New York City United States      LON,271;BOS,201
2 LON   London        United Kingdom     NYC,270

I would like to replace the 'x' column with a list.

When I try to merge by the 'i' column with the element of the list, a lot of data is duplicated... :/

sample list:

     d   p
1: LON 271
2: BOS 201

     d   p
1: NYC 270

I would like to end up with something that looks like this:

    "i": "NYC",
    "n": "New York City",
    "c": "United States",
    "C": "US",
    "r": "Northern America",
    "F": 66.256,
    "L": -166.063,
    "b": 94.42,
    "s": 0.752,
    "q": 4417,
    "t": "0,0,0,0,0",
    "x": [{
              "d": "LON",
              "p": 271
              "d": "BOS",
              "p": 201

I'm thinking there should be a way to write the json file without merging the list and the tibble, or maybe there is a way to merge them in a ragged way ?

ah. I just had another idea. maybe I can convert my dataframe to a list then use Reduce to combine the lists...


  • We may do the following:

    # A tibble: 1 x 13
    #       X i     n      c             C     r                 F      L     b     s     q t        x               
    #   <int> <fct> <fct>  <fct>         <fct> <fct>         <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <fct>    <fct>           
    # 1     1 LON   London United Kingd… GB    Northern Eur…  51.5 -0.127  55.4  1.25  2088 0,0,1,3… AAL,15;AAR,15;A…
    tbl$x <- map(tbl$x, ~ strsplit(., ";|,")[[1]] %>%
                 {data.frame(d = .[c(T, F)], p = as.numeric(.[c(F, T)]))})

    The latter two lines are a shortened version of this base R equivalent:

    tbl$x <- lapply(tbl$x, function(r) {
      tmp <- strsplit(r, ";|,")[[1]]
      data.frame(d = tmp[seq(1, length(tmp), 2)],
                 p = as.numeric(tmp[seq(2, length(tmp), 2)]))

    We go over the x column, split its elements by ; and , whenever possible, and then use the fact that the resulting odd elements will correspond do the d column in the desired outcome, and the even elements to the p column.


    toJSON(tbl, pretty = TRUE)
        "X": 1,
        "i": "LON",
        "n": "London",
        "c": "United Kingdom",
        "C": "GB",
        "r": "Northern Europe",
        "F": 51.508,
        "L": -0.127,
        "b": 55.43,
        "s": 1.25,
        "q": 2088,
        "t": "0,0,1,3,1",
        "x": [
            "d": "AAL",
            "p": 15
            "d": "AAR",
            "p": 15
            "d": "ABZ",
            "p": 48