In my code I'm using over 100 predefined JWindows to play around with them over the screen : show or hide, move etc. The definition looks like :
public static JWindow R2 = new JWindow();
public static JWindow R3 = new JWindow();
public static JWindow S2 = new JWindow();
public static JWindow S3 = new JWindow();
R2.getContentPane().add(s0.labelNow("/testingPackage/" + "R2" + ".jpg"));
R2.setLocation(10, 350);
R3.getContentPane().add(s0.labelNow("/testingPackage/" + "R3" + ".jpg"));
R3.setLocation(40, 350);
S2.getContentPane().add(s0.labelNow("/testingPackage/" + "S2" + ".jpg"));
S2.setLocation(550, 750);
S2.setVisible(true); etc.
As you can see this is resulting in a real mess of code, so I wonder if I could put the JWindows in an array or something similar, so that I could use something like 'JWArray[4][50]' and use loops to declare, define, move, show, hide them ?
Please find code below where I try to use an array of JWindows, which results in a null pointer exception on the line "JWA[i].getContentPane().add". I assumed this JWA[] declaration must be wrong.
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JWindow;
public class ShowPicture3 extends JPanel {
public static JWindow[] JWA = new JWindow[5];
public static ShowPicture3 s0 = new ShowPicture3();
public JLabel labelNow(String path) {
ImageIcon imgIcon = new ImageIcon(ShowPicture3.class.getResource(path));
JLabel label = new JLabel(imgIcon);
return label;
public void prepareImages() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
System.out.println("/testingPackage/" + "R" + (i + 2) + ".jpg");
s0.labelNow("/testingPackage/" + "R" + (i + 2) + ".jpg");
JWA[i].getContentPane().add(s0.labelNow("/testingPackage/" + "R" + (i + 2) + ".jpg"));
JWA[i].setLocation(10 + i * 20, 350);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
JWA[0].setLocation(100, 750);
You forgot to initialize the JWA array contents (its filled with nulls by default), just add "JWA[i] = new JWindow();" like in the example below.
public void prepareImages() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
JWA[i] = new JWindow();
System.out.println("/testingPackage/" + "R" + (i + 2) + ".jpg");
s0.labelNow("/testingPackage/" + "R" + (i + 2) + ".jpg");
JWA[i].getContentPane().add(s0.labelNow("/testingPackage/" + "R" + (i + 2) + ".jpg"));
JWA[i].setLocation(10 + i * 20, 350);