Suppose I'm going to create following table in an Informix database.
create table table_name
col1 date,
col2 smallint,
col3 char(12),
col4 char(12),
col5 char(12),
col6 integer,
col7 integer,
col8 datetime year to second,
col9 datetime year to second,
col10 datetime year to second,
col11 datetime year to second,
col12 datetime year to second,
col13 CHAR(1),
col14 CHAR(1),
col15 CHAR(1)
) in db_space extent size ? next size ? lock mode row;
Suppose there are three scenarios going to happen.
1.reference table, 100000 records going to be stored in this table table, daily adding record count is 1000 table, monthly adding record count is 100000
I'm confusing about how to determine the extent sizes according to above scenarios. what is the logic behind that?
The first step is adding up the sizes of the columns to establish how much space each row uses — or create a dummy table and get the size from the system catalog. That gives a size of 93 bytes per row. There is also some slot overhead and page overhead; you can get about 20 rows per 2 KiB page, and just over 40 rows per 4 KiB page. For practical mental arithmetic, treat the records as 100 bytes each, ignoring overheads, and assuming 2000 or 4000 bytes per page.
Scenario 1: 100,000 rows, minimal growth.
Scenario 2: 1,000 rows per day.
Secnario 3: 100,000 records per day.
In general, don't get hung up on the extent sizing. Because of extent size doubling, if you choose too small a number, Informix compensates over time by allocating larger extents automatically. If you find the next size is too big, you can alter the next size. However, none of these sizes is very big — 4 GB per year is pocket change in the server storage world these days, even if that's SSD instead of spinning disk. You'd need to be in the terabytes per year range before you need to worry too much. It is worth paying attention to the space, but it is not worth spending much more arithmetical calculation than I've done.
Don't forget your indexes.
Some references to IBM documentation for Informix 12.10: