I have some code and I have used it to generate a graph which moves with time.
The issue I am having is that I want to make this graph into a movie file.
I have looked at the docs (https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/videowriter.html) for this matter.
My code is as follows:
This section is just the setting up of variables (not where the problem lies).
clear; clc;
m =1.0; k =1.0; alpha = 0.1; b = 0.1; %setting m, k, alpha and beta
M = diag([m m m m/2]); %defining Matrix M
K =[[(2*k) (-k) 0 0];[-k (2*k) -k 0];[0 -k (2*k) -k];[0 0 -k k]]; %defining Matrix K
C = alpha.*M + b.*K; %define C
s0 = 0.05; %setting initial displacement
time = 0:0.1:50; %define time as a vector of 0-50 (given in question) with interval of 0.1
timeStep =0.1; %define time step
Keff =((1/(timeStep^2)).*M+(1/(2*timeStep).*C));
force =zeros(length(time),4);
displacement =zeros(length(time),4);
velocity =zeros(length(time),4);
acceleration =zeros(length(time),4);
acceleration(1,:)=(force(1,:)-displacement(1,:)*(K))/M; %using the formula to find the initial acceleration at time =0
for i=1:length(time) %use for loop to find the force at all times
force(i,:)=[-0.05*sin(time(i)),0.1*sin(time(i)),0.1*cos(time(i)), 0]; %Use the formula given to find the force
for i=1:length(displacement)-1 %loop over all time step for each floor for the length of displacement
if i==1 %since displacement(2) needs to be defined by Xminus1, we can filter out exceptions with an if statement
displacement(2,:) =(force(i,:)-displacement(1,:)*(K-2/(timeStep^2)*M)-Xminus1*(1/(timeStep^2)*M-1/(2*timeStep)*C))/Keff; %using the formula given for calculation of displacement(2)
else %else statement runs the rest of displacement(X)
displacement(i+1,:) =(force(i,:)-displacement(i,:)*(K-2/(timeStep^2)*M)-displacement(i-1,:)*(1/(timeStep^2)*M-1/(2*timeStep)*C))/Keff; %using the formula given for calculation of displacement
end %end if-else statement
This is section has to do with the running of the code and generating the video:
vidObj = VideoWriter('test1.avi');
for i=1:length(time)
figure (4)
plot([0,0.5], [0 0],'r') %floor base
hold on %hold figure to fit multiple graphs
axis([-0.3 0.8 0 2.2]) %set axis scaling
set(gca,'XTick',(-0.3:0.1:0.8)) %set graphics object properties
set(gca,'YTick',(0:0.2:2.2)) %set graphics object properties
%1st Floor
plot([0 displacement(i,1)],[0,0.5], 'b') %left wall
plot([0.5 displacement(i,1)+0.5], [0,0.5], 'b') %right wall
plot([displacement(i,1),displacement(i,1)+0.5], [0.5 0.5],'r')
hold off %turn hold off
pause(0.01) %use pause of 0.1 seconds to reduce frame rate else there will be A LOT of windows
Upon running this code, an avi file - test1.avi - is generated but it is 0 bytes and the command window says Warning: No Video Frames were written to this file. The file may be invalid.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Help is appreciated.
You miss the part of actually saving the current frame:
frame = getframe(figure(4));
Add these lines just after the pause in the loop creating the video.