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Reproduce Row based on column value and filling those new rows with other column values in r

I have a table 1 that contains numbers. I would like to create rows that the number of rows comes from Total column. Other column values would be created randomly according to table 1 column values. For instance, table 2 column1 value should has 3 "1" value and rest should be "0". Is there anyone can help me with this?

Table 1

   Year Age Total   column1 column2 column3
    2017    15  10         3       4      2

Desired Table

 Year   Age Total   column1 column2 column3
2017    15  1          1       0      0
2017    15  1          0       1      0
2017    15  1          0       0      1
2017    15  1          0       0      1
2017    15  1          1       0      0
2017    15  1          0       1      0
2017    15  1          1       0      0
2017    15  1          0       1      0
2017    15  1          0       1      0
2017    15  1          0       0      0


  • Instead of having three columns with mutually exlusive binary entries, it might be simpler to just convert it froma wide to long format and then expand it:

    df %>%
      gather('key','value',col1:col3) %>%
    #   year age  key value
    # 1 2017  15 col1     3
    # 2 2017  15 col2     4
    # 3 2017  15 col3     2  
      filter(value>0) %>%  # Avoid keys with 0 values
      group_by(year,age,key) %>%
    # year   age key    value
    # <dbl> <dbl> <chr>  <int>
    #   1  2017    15 col1       1
    # 2  2017    15 col1       2
    # 3  2017    15 col1       3
    # 4  2017    15 col2       1
    # 5  2017    15 col2       2
    # 6  2017    15 col2       3
    # 7  2017    15 col2       4
    # 8  2017    15 col3       1
    # 9  2017    15 col3       2
    # # A tibble: 9 x 3
    # year   age key  
    # <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
    #   1  2017    15 col1 
    # 2  2017    15 col1 
    # 3  2017    15 col1 
    # 4  2017    15 col2 
    # 5  2017    15 col2 
    # 6  2017    15 col2 
    # 7  2017    15 col2 
    # 8  2017    15 col3 
    # 9  2017    15 col3