How to pass multiple parameters with bitwise OR operation in my custom FeatureAuthorize
attribute, same way AttributeUsage
supports AttributeTarget
as a method or class.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
Below are the example that I want to achieve, any of the feature provided either send money or receive money method should be accessible.
[FeatureAuthorize(Feature = EnumFeature.SendMoney | EnumFeature.ReceiveMoney)]
public ActionResult SendOrReceiveMoney(int? id, EnumBankAccountType? type)
// My code
Body of the FeatureAuthorize Attribute is like.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public class FeatureAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
public EnumFeature Feature { get; set; }
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if (!IsFeatureAllowed(Feature)) // Verification in database.
// Redirection to not authorize page.
Thanks in advance.
Define your EnumFeature like this:
public enum EnumFeature {
Send = 1,
Received = 2,
BalanceEnquery = 4,
CloseAccount = 8
Notice how each subsequent enum value is the next highest power of 2. In your auth attribute, you can use Enum.HasFlag to see if a flag is set. But you'll probably want to ensure that other flags aren't set by using other bitwise operations.
Something like this
var acceptable = EnumFeature.Send | EnumFeature.Received;
var input = EnumFeature.Send | EnumFeature. CloseAccount;
// Negate the values which are acceptable, then we'll AND with the input; if that result is 0, then we didn't get any invalid flags set. We can then use HasFlag to see if we got Send or Received
var clearAcceptable = ~acceptable;
Console.WriteLine($"Input valid: {(input & clearAcceptable) == 0}");