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What method to use in "ATM" based program

I've started with a assignment for a ATM code, I'm supposed to use text file in some way or another. so far I've got this:

print("Hello, and welcome to the ATM machine!\n")

a_pin = {1111, 2222, 3333, 4444}

def process():
    pin = int(input("\nplease enter below your 4-digit pin number: "))
    if pin in a_pin:
        if pin == (1111):
            f = open("a.txt", "r")
        elif pin == (2222):
            f = open("b.txt", "r")
        elif pin == (3333):
            f = open("c.txt", "r")
        elif pin == (4444):
            f = open("d.txt", "r")
        1: view your current balance
        2: make a withdraw
        3: make a deposit
        4: exit


        option = input("\nwhat would you like to do? ")

        if option == "1":
        elif option == "2":
            y = str(input("\nHow much would you like you like to withdraw? "))
            print("Excellent, your transaction is complete!")
        elif option == "3":
            z = str(input("\nHow much would you like to deposit? "))
            print("Excellent, your transaction is complete!")
        elif option == "4":
            input("Please press the enter key to exit.")

        print("\nthat was a wrong pin number!")
        x = input("\nwould you like to try again? '(y/n)' ")
        if x == "y":
            input("\npress the enter key to exit.")


The code works as of now, but I want to save some time by asking how to most effectively overwrite content on the text files when withdrawing/depositing. I was thinking of pickled files... but will be very happy for any suggestions, since normal commands like write dont really work for this task, if i want to display the new ammount to user after a withdraw/deposit. Many thanks!


  • The key point is to consider the necessary "mode" to open the file so that it can be not only be read (r) but also modified (r+):

    if pin == (1111):
            f = open("a.txt", "r+")
        elif pin == (2222):
            f = open("b.txt", "r+")
        elif pin == (3333):
            f = open("c.txt", "r+")
        elif pin == (4444):
            f = open("d.txt", "r+")

    Then store the current balance in the file, and update it after each transaction.

    # read current balance from file and save its value
    bal = float('\n'))  # or replace float() with int()
    # reset file pointer to beginning of file before updating contents
    if option == '1':
        print( # or simply, print(bal)
    elif option == '2':
        y = str(input("\nHow much would you like you like to withdraw? "))
        bal -= int(y)            # calculate new balance
        f.write(str(bal)+'\n')   # write new balance to file as a string
        print("Excellent, your transaction is complete!")
    elif option == '3':
        z = str(input("\nHow much would you like to deposit? "))
        bal += int(z)
        print("Excellent, your transaction is complete!")