In python, I am trying to check if a given list is a 2-d list. I am supposed to use an assert statement but I don't know how to create one.
So far I have
assert type(x) == list
I know that this is incorrect and checks for a 1-d list. How do I fix this?
I did this...
assert type(l) == list and type(l[0]) == list
but I get an indexError for the one dimensional case so I used this instead...
assert type(l) == list and type(l[0]) == list
except IndexError:
assert False
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module>
Maybe there is a better way but it's not obvious to me.
A better (but long winded) way might be...
assert type(l) == list and len({ type(el) for el in l }) == 1 and { type(el) for el in l }.pop() == list