I've been given an assignment for my class to make a program that draws Mandelbrot figures.
We have to basically get the program to draw a bitmap of the result.
Thing is, my CalcMBF
function only outputs 2
as the Mandelbrot number.
I have absolutely no idea why that is. Can anyone help me out?
Here is my code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Mandelbrot_Figure
class PreMainClass
static void main (String[] args)
Form1 screen;
screen = new Form1();
public partial class Form1 : Form
Label xInputLabel = new Label();
Label yInputLabel = new Label();
Label maxInputLabel = new Label();
Label scaleInputLabel = new Label();
TextBox xInput = new TextBox();
TextBox yInput = new TextBox();
TextBox maxInput = new TextBox();
TextBox scaleInput = new TextBox();
Button okButton = new Button();
double xValue = 0;
double yValue = 0;
double maxValue = 0;
double scaleValue = 0;
double pixVal = 0;
double xCalc = 0;
double yCalc = 0;
double[,,] mArray = new double[400, 400, 1];
public Form1()
BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);
Text = "Mandelbrot Figure";
Size = new System.Drawing.Size(700, 950);
//Messing with the xInput Box and Label
xInput.Location = new Point(50, 50);
xInput.Size = new Size(210, 50);
xInput.Text = ("Please input desired X coordinate.");
xInputLabel.Location = new Point(46, 20);
xInputLabel.Size = new Size(100, 40);
xInputLabel.Text = "Middle X:";
//Messing with the yInput Box and Label
yInput.Location = new Point(320, 50);
yInput.Size = new Size(210, 50);
yInput.Text = ("Please input desired Y coordinate.");
yInputLabel.Location = new Point(316, 20);
yInputLabel.Size = new Size(100, 40);
yInputLabel.Text = "Middle Y:";
//Messing with the maxInput Box and Label
maxInput.Location = new Point(50, 126);
maxInput.Size = new Size(210, 100);
maxInput.Text = ("Please input desired max value.");
maxInputLabel.Location = new Point(46, 100);
maxInputLabel.Size = new Size(50, 40);
maxInputLabel.Text = "Max:";
//Messing with the scaleInput Box and Label
scaleInput.Location = new Point(320, 126);
scaleInput.Size = new Size(210, 100);
scaleInput.Text = ("Please input desired scale value.");
scaleInputLabel.Location = new Point(316, 100);
scaleInputLabel.Size = new Size(80, 40);
scaleInputLabel.Text = "Scale:";
//Messing with the okButton
okButton.Location = new Point(560, 49);
okButton.Size = new Size(100, 100);
okButton.Text = ("Start");
okButton.Click += CalcMandelbrot;
//Grabs data and drops it into an array
public void CalcMandelbrot(object sender, EventArgs e)
xValue = Convert.ToDouble(xInput.Text);
yValue = Convert.ToDouble(yInput.Text);
maxValue = Convert.ToDouble(maxInput.Text);
scaleValue = Convert.ToDouble(scaleInput.Text);
pixVal = scaleValue * 0.01;
for (double yCounter = 0; yCounter < 400; yCounter++)
yCalc = yValue + (200 * pixVal) + (yCounter * pixVal);
for (double xCounter = 0; xCounter < 400; xCounter++)
xCalc = xValue - (200 * pixVal) + (xCounter * pixVal);
mArray[Convert.ToInt32(xCounter), Convert.ToInt32(yCounter), 0] = CalcMBF(xCalc, yCalc, maxValue);
Console.WriteLine(xCounter + " " + yCounter + " " + " " + xCalc + " " + yCalc + " " + CalcMBF(xCalc, yCalc, maxValue));
public double CalcMBF(double aOut, double bOut, double maxValue)
double aWork = aOut;
double bWork = bOut;
double maxWork = maxValue;
double distanceXY = 0;
int mandelbrotNum = 0;
for (int loopCounter = 1; loopCounter < maxWork; loopCounter++)
if (distanceXY <= 2)
distanceXY = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((aWork), 2) + Math.Pow((bWork), 2));
mandelbrotNum = loopCounter;
aWork = (aWork * aWork) - (bWork * bWork) + xCalc;
bWork = (2 * aWork * bWork) + yCalc;
aWork = 0;
bWork = 0;
return mandelbrotNum;
It computes beautifully. Only you made a mess of instance variables and arguments.
In CalcMBF
, it should be:
var originala = aWork;
aWork = (aWork * aWork) - (bWork * bWork) + aOut;
bWork = (2 * originala * bWork) + bOut;
where you had xCalc
and yCalc
, which are not local to CalcMBF
. Furthermore, the imaginary part needs to be computed with the initial value of aWork. Interestingly, it still works with that bug, but it is a different fractal attractor.
The mandelbrot set has its interesting regions in the complex plane at -2<=cr<=1 and -1<=ci<=1, so a constant bailout at iteration 2 can indicate that you chose your c value outside or in some boring region like the middle of the lake.
If you need more speed, remove the square root and compare distanceXY <= 4