I am very new to programming and wanted to program a Tic, tac, toe solver using the minimax algorithm. When I tested my program, it returns: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison. I have no idea why my recursion won't stop. Could someone possibly help me with this problem? Feel free to give me some tips on how to improve my code.
# in the scores list the scores of the moves are kept
scores = []
# in the empty_spots list all indices of the empty cells in the grid are kept
empty_spots = []
# function, which prints the grid
def show_grid(grid):
a = 0
for cell in grid:
a = a + 1
if cell == 1:
if a < 3:
print("X", end="")
a = 0
elif cell == -1:
if a < 3:
print("O", end="")
a = 0
if a < 3:
print("_", end="")
a = 0
# function which checks if there is a victory or draw
def check_victory(grid, player):
Victory_Combos = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [0, 4, 8], [6, 4, 2]]
for victorys in Victory_Combos:
if grid[victorys[0]] == player*-1 and grid[victorys[1]] == player*-1 and grid[victorys[2]] == player*-1:
return -10 * player
if 0 not in grid:
return 0
# function which finds all empty spots
def find_empty_spots(grid):
for cell in range(9):
if grid[cell] == 0:
return empty_spots
# minimax function
def minimax(grid, player, best_score, depth):
if check_victory(grid, player) != None:
return check_victory(grid, player)
list = find_empty_spots(grid)
for cell in list:
grid[cell] = player
scores.append(minimax(grid, player*-1, 1000*-player, depth + 1))
if player == 1:
best_score = -1000
for score in scores:
if best_score < score:
best_score = score
best_score = 1000
for score in scores:
if best_score > score:
best_score = score
grid[cell] = 0
if depth == 0:
grid[scores.index(best_score)] = player
return best_score
# example
The problem is with your empty_spots
, you are never clearing it, thus you are always checking previous (empty) cells.
def find_empty_spots(grid):
empty_spots = []
for cell in range(9):
if grid[cell] == 0:
return empty_spots
Added empty_spots = []
to clear the list before every call, else you are just appending the cells to and already existing list.
And another thing - list = find_empty_spots(grid)
is very very wrong, do not use keywords for variable names, the proper way to go would be lst = find_empty_spots(grid)
, or better, some meaningful name, empty_cells = find_empty_spots(grid)