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Equivalent of predict_proba for DecisionTreeRegressor

scikit-learn's DecisionTreeClassifier supports predicting probabilities of each class via the predict_proba() function. This is absent from DecisionTreeRegressor:

AttributeError: 'DecisionTreeRegressor' object has no attribute 'predict_proba'

My understanding is that the underlying mechanics are pretty similar between decision tree classifiers and regressors, with the main difference being that predictions from the regressors are calculated as means of potential leafs. So I'd expect it to be possible to extract the probabilities of each value.

Is there another way to simulate this, e.g. by processing the tree structure? The code for DecisionTreeClassifier's predict_proba wasn't directly transferable.


  • This function adapts code from hellpanderr's answer to provide probabilities of each outcome:

    from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
    import pandas as pd
    def decision_tree_regressor_predict_proba(X_train, y_train, X_test, **kwargs):
        """Trains DecisionTreeRegressor model and predicts probabilities of each y.
            X_train: Training features.
            y_train: Training labels.
            X_test: New data to predict on.
            **kwargs: Other arguments passed to DecisionTreeRegressor.
            DataFrame with columns for record_id (row of X_test), y 
            (predicted value), and prob (of that y value).
            The sum of prob equals 1 for each record_id.
        # Train model.
        m = DecisionTreeRegressor(**kwargs).fit(X_train, y_train)
        # Get y values corresponding to each node.
        node_ys = pd.DataFrame({'node_id': m.apply(X_train), 'y': y_train})
        # Calculate probability as 1 / number of y values per node.
        node_ys['prob'] = 1 / node_ys.groupby(node_ys.node_id).transform('count')
        # Aggregate per node-y, in case of multiple training records with the same y.
        node_ys_dedup = node_ys.groupby(['node_id', 'y']).prob.sum().to_frame()\
        # Extract predicted leaf node for each new observation.
        leaf = pd.DataFrame(m.decision_path(X_test).toarray()).apply(
            lambda x:x.to_numpy().nonzero()[0].max(), axis=1).to_frame(
        leaf['record_id'] = leaf.index
        # Merge with y values and drop node_id.
        return leaf.merge(node_ys_dedup, on='node_id').drop(
            'node_id', axis=1).sort_values(['record_id', 'y'])

    Example (see this notebook):

    from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
    X, y = load_boston(True)
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0)
    # Works better with min_samples_leaf > 1.
    res = decision_tree_regressor_predict_proba(X_train, y_train, X_test,
                                                random_state=0, min_samples_leaf=5)
    res[res.record_id == 2]
    #      record_id       y        prob
    #   25         2    20.6    0.166667
    #   26         2    22.3    0.166667
    #   27         2    22.7    0.166667
    #   28         2    23.8    0.333333
    #   29         2    25.0    0.166667