I have a network with multiple inputs and I split out the first 10 inputs and calculate the weighted sum, and then concatenate it with the rest of the input:
first = Lambda(lambda z: z[:, 0:11])(d_inputs)
wsum_first = Lambda(calcWSumF)(first )
d_input = concatenate([d_inputs, wsum_first], axis=-1)
with the function defined as:
w_vec = K.constant(np.array([range(10)]*64).reshape(10, 64)) # batch size is 64
def calcWSumF(x):
y = K.dot(w_vec, x)
y = K.expand_dims(y, -1)
return y
I want a constant vector to be used to calculate the weighted sum of the first part of the input. The concatenation doesn't work because the shapes don't match. How can I implement this correctly?
You can write this much better using K.sum
and only a vector containing the coefficients. Further, there is no need to use a fixed batch size (it can be any number):
def calcWSumF(x, idx):
w_vec = K.constant(np.arange(idx))
y = K.sum(x[:, 0:idx] * w_vec, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
return y
d_inputs = Input((15,))
wsum_first = Lambda(calcWSumF, arguments={'idx': 10})(d_inputs)
d_input = concatenate([d_inputs, wsum_first], axis=-1)
model = Model(d_inputs, d_input)
model.predict(np.arange(15).reshape(1, 15))
# output:
array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10.,
11., 12., 13., 14., 285.]], dtype=float32)
# Note: 0*0 + 1*1 + 2*2 + ... + 9*9 = 285
Note that, to make it more general, we have added another argument (idx
) to the lambda function which specifies how many of the elements from the beginning we would like to consider.