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How to sort a massiv array along innermost dimension?

I have an Array r Ix2 a such that (Manifest r Ix2 a, Ord a). I'd like to sort this array on its innermost dimension - that is, sort each row internally, but not across rows. According to this, massiv doesn't have any sorting implemented at all. Would I have to roll my own, or can I re-use something that already exists for Vectors (such as vector-algorithms for example)?


  • Of course, it would be better to roll out your own sorting and submit a PR to massiv library ;) But there is a way to fall back onto vector-algorithms package. I was curious how I'd do it efficiently and here it is, along with automatic parallelization of sorting each row:

    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}
    module Examples.SortRows where
    import           Data.Massiv.Array                 as A
    import           Data.Massiv.Array.Manifest.Vector as A
    import           Data.Massiv.Core.Scheduler
    import           Data.Typeable
    import           Data.Vector.Algorithms.Merge
    import           Data.Vector.Generic               as VG
    import           Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable       as VGM
    import           System.IO.Unsafe
    sortRows ::
         forall r e v.
         (Ord e, Typeable v, A.Mutable r Ix2 e, VG.Vector v e, ARepr v ~ r, VRepr r ~ v)
      => Array r Ix2 e
      -> Array r Ix2 e
    sortRows arr = unsafePerformIO $ do
      mv :: VG.Mutable v RealWorld e <- VG.thaw (A.toVector arr :: v e)
      let comp = getComp arr
          sz@(m :. n) = size arr
      case comp of
        Seq -> do
          loopM_ 0 (< m) (+ 1) $ \i -> sort $ VGM.slice (toLinearIndex sz (i :. 0)) n mv
        ParOn wIds ->
          withScheduler_ wIds $ \scheduler -> do
            loopM_ 0 (< m) (+ 1) $ \i ->
              scheduleWork scheduler $ sort $ VGM.slice (toLinearIndex sz (i :. 0)) n mv
      v :: v e <- VG.unsafeFreeze mv
      return $ A.fromVector comp sz v

    I did add this to examples in massiv in this commit together with a simple property test.