Search code examples

Deque last element insert.

Datastructure Degue.

Method to insert value in front:

Work fine.

 public void insertLeft(Item item) {       
       if (size == deque.length){
          resize(2 * deque.length);
      deque[start] = item;

Method to insert value in tail - overwrite last element because of this line //end = deque.length - 1;

public void insertRight(Item item) {
    if (size == deque.length){
        resize(2 * deque.length);
    end = deque.length - 1;
    deque[end++] = item;
    end %= deque.length;

How can I fix it?


  • Say the array is size 10 and currently has 3 values:

    _ _ _ 1 2 3 _ _ _ _
          ^     ^
      start     end

    As you can see, your insertLeft method is wrong:

    • It would replace an existing value
    • It moves the index in the wrong direction
    • It doesn't handle wrap-around

    And your insertRight method is wrong:

    • It throws away the end value

    Re-think what you're doing, e.g. does the resize() method handle the condition where the array has wrapped?


    3 4 5 _ _ _ _ _ 1 2
          ^         ^
        end         start

    If you call insertRight() 5 times, you get:

    3 4 5 X X X X X 1 2

    A 6th call to insertRight() would trigger resize(), but would it correct handle it? E.g. resulting in:

    3 4 5 X X X X X Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2
                      ^                 ^
                      end               start