I just discovered anime.js and it feels like the right tool for what I need (animating some web tutorials in 2D). The problem is that I'm using MathML (part of the HTML5 standard), which uses "math" tags.
<msup class="ml4">
<mi class="letter">b</mi>
<script type="text/javascript" src="anime.min.js"></script>
anime.timeline({loop: true})
targets: '.ml4 .letter',
opacity: [0, 1],
scale: [0.2, 1],
duration: 800
When I try to simply animate letters within a math tag (opacity, scale, duration), I get:
If I use anime.min.js (2.0)
In Firefox
"TypeError: right-hand side of 'in' should be an object, got undefined"
-> anime.min.js:9:136
In Safari
"TypeError: a.style is not an Object. (evaluating 'b in a.style')"
-> "B" -> anime.min.js:9:145
If I use anime.js (2.0)
In Firefox
"TypeError: right-hand side of 'in' should be an object, got undefined"
-> anime.min.js:346:5
In Safari
"TypeError: a.style is not an Object. (evaluating 'b in a.style')"
-> "getCSSValue" -> anime.min.js:346
In both cases, the math formula appears just fine but the animation isn't working. I tried previous versions of anime.js with the same result.
I toyed with the code and the animation comes back + the error message goes away on Firefox and Safari if I get rid of the "math" tag. But then, of course, the math formula is a mess, which is of no help. But it seems the issue is related to this math tag alone. I also tried to style, unstyle the math tag and the inner tags but the error remains.
I could understand that this tag is unsupported by animate.js but the animation works just fine and without any error within my Coda2 (web dev software) on Mac, on its own dedicated browser. So this seems very browser dependent but so far it's the only browser that seems to consider the script as valid.
I haven't found anything on the web that is addressing both anime.js and the MathML so it's hard to say if it's a bug or an error on my part.
Thank you.
You can use a wrapper, or you can modify the function getCSSValue
on the animejs
library. Basically that function looks for the style
property for that specific target.
function getCSSValue(el, prop) {
if (prop in el.style) {
return getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue(stringToHyphens(prop)) || '0';
When the code reaches the if
line, your mi .letter
doesn´t have that attribute and the call to the function fails and bubble up.
Using the proposed workaround, you can create a div
that contains your mathML
<div class="letterWrapper">
<msup class="ml4">
<mi class="letter">b</mi>