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How to create New Rdd with all possible combination of elements other Rdd in pyspark?

Hi i have created a Rdd like below

['P', 'T', 'K']

Now I want to create new RDD2 with all possible combinations like below with new RDD.i.e.except same element combination like(p,p),(k,k),(t,t).

my expected output when i am doing




  • It seems that you want to generate all permutations of the elements in your rdd where each row contains unique values.

    One way would be to first create a helper function to generate the desired combination of length n:

    from functools import reduce
    from itertools import chain
    def combinations_of_length_n(rdd, n):
        # for n > 0
        return reduce(
            lambda a, b: a.cartesian(b).map(lambda x: tuple(chain.from_iterable(x))),
        ).filter(lambda x: len(set(x))==n)

    Essentially the function will do n Cartesian products of your rdd with itself and keep only the rows where all of the values are distinct.

    We can test this out for n = [2, 3]:

    print(combinations_of_length_n(rdd1, n=2).collect())
    #[('P', 'T'), ('P', 'K'), ('T', 'P'), ('K', 'P'), ('T', 'K'), ('K', 'T')]
    print(combinations_of_length_n(rdd1, n=3).collect())
    #[('P', 'T', 'K'),
    # ('P', 'K', 'T'),
    # ('T', 'P', 'K'),
    # ('K', 'P', 'T'),
    # ('T', 'K', 'P'),
    # ('K', 'T', 'P')]

    The final output that you want is just union of these intermediate results with the original rdd (with the values mapped to tuples). x: tuple((x,)))\
        .union(combinations_of_length_n(rdd1, 2))\
        .union(combinations_of_length_n(rdd1, 3)).collect()
    # ('T',),
    # ('K',),
    # ('P', 'T'),
    # ('P', 'K'),
    # ('T', 'P'),
    # ('K', 'P'),
    # ('T', 'K'),
    # ('K', 'T'),
    # ('P', 'T', 'K'),
    # ('P', 'K', 'T'),
    # ('T', 'P', 'K'),
    # ('K', 'P', 'T'),
    # ('T', 'K', 'P'),
    # ('K', 'T', 'P')]

    To generalize for any max number of repetitions:

    num_reps = 3
        lambda a, b: a.union(b),
            combinations_of_length_n( x: tuple((x,))), i+1) 
            for i in range(num_reps)
    #Same as above

    Note: Cartesian products are expensive operations and should be avoided when possible.