Search code examples

Changing text based on the final letter of user name

In my system, users will register their names. In the natural language the system is used with, names end differently depending its use, such as:

  • who: "name surname"
  • with who: "namai surnamai"

Due to this, I need to change the ending of in some places; if it ends with e, replace e with ai.

My HTML slim code is:

= render partial: 'services/partials/messages/original_message', locals: { header: t('html.text.consultation_with.for_provider', name:

It takes text from a yml file and uses

Any suggestions to work this around?


  • Try this, simple single line code {|w| (w.end_with?('e') ? (w.chomp(w[w.length - 1]) + 'ai') : w) }.join(" ")

    I am sure, it will convert "name surname" to "namai surnamai".

    In additional cases... {|w| (w.end_with?('e') ? (w.chomp(w[w.length - 1]) + 'ai') : (w.end_with?('us') ? (w.chomp(w[w.length - 1]) + 'mi') : (w.end_with?('i') ? (w.chomp(w[w.length - 1]) + 'as') : w))) }.join(" ")