I am using below code I got from some articles.
def load_patient(files):
slices = [pydicom.dcmread(s) for s in files]
slices.sort(key = lambda x: int(x.InstanceNumber))
## actual property is ImagePositionPatient, shortened for screen width ##
thickness = np.abs(slices[0].ImgPosPatient[2] - slices[1].ImgPosPatient[2])
thickness = np.abs(slices[0].SliceLocation - slices[1].SliceLocation)
for s in slices:
s.SliceThickness = thickness
return slices
Got below error
AttributeError : 'FileDataset' object has no attribute 'SliceLocation'
File : C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pydicom\dataset.py
Line : 524,
Func.Name : getattr,
Message : return super(Dataset, self).getattribute(name)
As you can see here:
DICOM Standard
The Slice Location attribute is optional. The error that is thrown means that there is no such attribute. So in terms of the DICOM standard, receiving this error can be expected.