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Laravel's Eloquent: can't edit values

I'm using Lumen, trying to edit values, which is the easiest thing to do, for some reason, the updated values aren't being saved

Task.php model

public function taskUsers()
    return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Tasks\UserTask')->where('role',1);

UserTask.php model contains nothing, an empty model

class UserTask extends BaseModel { }


class CreateTasksTable extends Migration
    protected $table = 'tasks';
    protected $app_table = true;

    public function up()
        Schema::create($this->getTable(), function (Blueprint $table) {
                ->on(self::getTableName('auth_users', false))->onDelete('cascade');
                ->on(self::getTableName('auth_users', false))->onDelete('cascade');

    public function down()


class CreateTaskUsersTable extends Migration
    protected $table = 'task_user';
    protected $app_table = true;
    public function up()
        Schema::create($this->getTable(), function (Blueprint $table) {
                ->on(self::getTableName('auth_users', false))
    public function down()

The edit action for example is so simple, if I just want to edit the title, that won't work, without even editing the rest.

class EditTaskAction extends BaseAction
    protected $verbs = array('POST');
    protected $private = true;

    protected $inputRules = [
        'domain_id' => 'required',
        'task_id' => 'required',
        'title' => '',
        'due_date' => '',
        'assignee_id' => '',
        'is_done' => '',
        'role' => ''
    public function execute()
        $title = $this->request->get('title');
        $dueDate = $this->request->get('due_date');
        $assigneeId = $this->request->get('assignee_id');
        $taskId = $this->request->get('task_id');
        $isDone = $this->request->get('is_done');
        $role = $this->request->get('role');
        $userId = \Auth::id();
        $domainId = $this->request->get('domain_id');
        try {
            $task = Task::where('id', $taskId)
                ->where("domain_id", $domainId) ->first();
            $userTask = UserTask::where('task_id', $taskId)->first();

                if (isset($title) && !empty($title)) {
                    $task->title = $title;
                if (isset($dueDate) && !empty($dueDate)) {
                    $task->due_date = $dueDate;
                if (isset($assigneeId) && !empty($assigneeId)) {
                    $userTask->user_id = $userId;
                if (isset($role) && !empty($role)) {
                    if ($role == TaskUserRole::ASSIGNEE) {
                        $userTask->role = $role;

                if (isset($isDone) && !empty($isDone) ) {
                    if ($isDone == 0) {
                        $task->closed_by = null;
                        $task->closed_date = null;
                        $task->is_done = 0;
                    } else if ($isDone == 1) {
                        $task->closed_by = $userId;
                        $task->closed_date = Carbon::now();
                        $task->is_done = 1;
                return $this->response->statusOk();

        } catch (\Exception $exception) {
            return $this->response->statusFail(self::SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG);

Basically all I'm doing

$task = Task::find($taskId); // I tried that too
$task->title = 'something';

It's not working


  • I think the problem is with your transaction. You're starting it with \DB::beginTransaction(); But the \DB::commit() (to save your changes to the database) will never be run, because you do Return-Statements before, like return $this->response->statusOk();

    You could try to save your response to a variable and return it after the \DB::commit();

    class EditTaskAction extends BaseAction
        // ...
        public function execute()
            // ...
            $response = null;
            try {
                // ...
                $response = $this->response->statusOk();
            } catch (\Exception $exception) {
                // ...
                $response = $this->response->statusFail(self::SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG);
            return $response;