I am new to Qgis. I am trying to export a shapefile of polygons so that I can read its vertices can be read (e.g. by python packages like fiona or shapely) as lat and lon coordinates in degrees. What I am getting now are coordinates in meters. I am using a EPSG:4326 projected coordinate reference system, though I could change that. Any tips are welcome.
You may open your layer in tabular form (press F6) and copy-paste (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) all features into excel. There (usually, in the first column) you might notice your geometries in WKT (well-known text) format - every vertex is shown in form of decimal degree coordinates.
Alternatively, you may use field calculator (button ) and create new text field of 0 length (no length limitations) with
in 'Expression'. So that, explicit wkt representation of your geometries will be present in each feature attributes. From there you may export your layer to csv-file, for instance.