Suppose you've got a rectangle (x=3456) * (y=1943). These dimension values may vary. What I need to make is dividing this area equally into z pixel square portions and print A1, A2, A3,..,B1, B2, B3..,C1, C2, C3 depending on where my cursor is on.
For example: If the curser is on 123, 85 or in 30, 15 it will Print A1 so on and so forth.
I need to generate this switch case structure automatically according to the the x,y size given dynamically. But each time every portion needs to be definable z pixel square. How this can be managed most efficiently in python?
This can be done with floor division without issues. Make sure it behaves as you expect at boundaries, and modify as needed using remainder == 0 checks.
max_x, max_y = 3456, 1943
z = 1000
x, y = 3,4
if x <= max_x and y <= max_y:
#chr() takes an int and prints out its ASCII char. chr(65) is 'A'.
#This assumes you start with 'A1' on top left of page.
to_print = chr(65 + x//z) + str(1 + y//z)
print("coordinates out of page")