I'm programming a new engine for iOS and I'm at a point where I can test how much power I can get out of my engine.
My code is written in C++ and the engine is written in a highly efficient manner to do streaming, batch rendering, frustum culling, occlusion culling, fast memory managers, etc. However, the results don't satisfy my expectations and I'm wondering if anyone has been able to get more out of their iPhone device.
Right now I'm rendering only the geometry with textures and the best I get is about 20K+ triangles being rendered at ~35fps on my iPhone 3GS.
Is this somehow the maximum iPhone 3GS can do? Or has anyone done better?
P.S. I'm doing no triangle strips yet, so i know there is about ~5fps improvement in there.
As far as knowing the maximum possible performance of the 3GS take a look here: http://www.glbenchmark.com/phonedetails.jsp?benchmark=glpro11&D=Apple%20iPhone%203G%20S&testgroup=lowlevel