I am working on a simple automation script in Python, which could throw exceptions in various spots. In each of them I would like to log a specific message and exit the program. In order to do that, I raise SystemExit after catching the exception and handling it (performing specific logging operations and such).
In the top-level calling of main, I do the following:
if __name__ == "__main__":
except SystemExit: # handled exception
except: # any unhandled exception
logging.error('Unexpected error: ', exc_info=True)
However, using a bare except is something frowned upon. Is using an "exception tree" where I use a bare except to specify "anything but the exception that I've handled" a nonstandard way? Is there a better way to achieve this? I would still like to log these unhandled exceptions, even if they were not handled.
Edit: SystemExit is raised to note that an exception has been handled - no matter what the exception is in my case, I always want to stop running the scripts as any failure should result in an absolute failure.
The main reason I'm asking this is that PEP8 seems to consider using a bare except as an error, and even though I could use except BaseException, it should be just a syntactic difference. Is one way more standard than the other or is there another standard route of achieving this?
Bare exceptions trap things you do not want to trap, such as GeneratorExit
. Do it this way:
except Exception as details:
logging.error('Unexpected error: {0}'.format(details))