I don't know how to change the standard texts on plots created using the likert package.
To make it easy, i will just provide the sample data, as the solution probably will be the same.
items28 <- pisaitems[, substr(names(pisaitems), 1, 5) == "ST24Q"]
l28 <- likert(items28)
The output should be as the picture below, and what i want to change are the words "Response" and "Percentage."
Hope you can help!
Welcome to SO! I did not know the likert
package but, it seems that its function plot
, is based on ggplot2
, so you can modify the options in ggplot2
plot(l28) +
x = "Another lab", # here you manage axis
y = "My lab" # also here ("inverted "because
# it seems plot has coord_flip option)
) + guides(fill=guide_legend("My e title")) # here you manage the title of the legend