I want to generate an array of random numbers that only occur once for multiple inputs in JMeter. For example for a range of 1-100:
"age": ${__Random(1,101)},
"weight": ${__Random(1,101)},
"height": ${__Random(1,101)}
There is a chance that two of the variables will have the same value, how could I avoid such incident?
For unique random number you will need to add JSR223 Sampler using ThreadLocalRandom with the following code
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
int[] array = ThreadLocalRandom.current().ints(0, 100).distinct().limit(3).toArray();
vars.put("age", String.valueOf(array[0]));
vars.put("weight", String.valueOf(array[1]));
vars.put("height", String.valueOf(array[2]));
And then call the parameters in request:
"age": ${age},
"weight": ${weight},
"height": ${height}