Similar problem to 'Python Moviepy installation problems (windows 7x64)' except the solution provided did not work.
I have windows 10, 64bit. Every time I attempt to run the following line of code:
frames = pims.Video('exp9_short.avi')
I get the blue Windows 10 error: This app can't run on your PC
as well as the Python error:
OSError: Could not load meta information
=== stderr ===
Access is denied.
I have tried multiple versions from '' to no avail.
I don't know if other image processing tools will work with trackpy, or if there are any alternatives to trackpy.
I would really appreciate some advice.
I solved this problem by processing each image with OpenCV2
vid0 = cv2.VideoCapture('exp9_short.avi')
numfr = int(vid0.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
for n1 in range(0,numfr-1):
success,img = #read video frame by frame
if n1==0:
h, w, cols = img.shape #image size
fr=np.zeros([h,w,3,numfr-1]) #frames
frgr=np.zeros([h,w,numfr-1]) #grayscale fr
frgrbi=frgr #binarized frgr