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Extracting Lon and Lat range of a grib file

I am pretty new to the GRIB format but I currently need to deal with it. Using wgrib, I managed to extract the fields I wanted, corresponding times, etc ..

But I miss the coordinates of the points of th grid, or the latitude and longitude range of the grid.

How can I get that ? I would prefer using only python and wgrib but if there is any other simple way please let me know ! What I've found on the web seems to mainly concern wgrib2 format.


  • As mentioned in comments you have to use module pygrib.

    I post a sample code to get lat and lon arrays from all messages of a grib file by method latlons. After extracting I convert data to numpy arrays:

    import pygrib
    import numpy as np
    grib ='test.grib')
    for g in grib:
        lt, ln = g.latlons() # lt - latitude, ln - longitude
        lt, ln = np.array(lt), np.array(ln)
        print (lt, ln)