I'm trying to install Zend Framework on my computer. I have done following:
I have placed Zend framework files on C drive, the path is like: C:\ZendFramework\library C:\ZendFramework\bin (The bin folder contains the zf.bat, zf.sh and zf.php files)
I have included path in php.ini file:
include_path = “.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR;C:\ZendFramework\library”
Now when I go to command prompt and type zf command, i get following error:
In order to run the zf command, you need to ensure that Zend Framework is inside your include_path.
Can someone suggest me what im doing wrong and how to fix this error. Thanks.
Make sure the PHP binary / executable you're calling from the command line is using the same php.ini
file as the web version.
php -i
and look for the lines
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /path/to/ini/folder
Loaded Configuration File => /path/to/ini/folder/php.ini
You should also be able to see the configured include path
include_path => local/include/path => master/include/path
Edit: On Windows, you may want to run
php -i | more
There's a lot of information shown and I can't remember how many lines of scrollback the Windows terminal gives you. Most of what you're after will be at the top.