I have a path in my application for handling the string resources on the site. The controller and action are managed by a 3rd party library so I can't really apply to authorize attribute there.
I am using the WestWind Globalization library which makes a URL like https://localhost:44328/LocalizationAdmin/index.html
Can I restring any controller in my appsetting.json as we do in the web.config in old ASP.NET MVC?
Something similar to below in ASP.NET Core?
<location path="LocalizationAdmin">
<deny users="*">
is used by IIS
. But ASP.NET Core
could be deployed without IIS
. When cooperating with Nginx
, there's no such way to configure authorization in appsettings.json
A much more simple approach is to setup a simple middleware:
app.Use(async(ctx , next)=>{
// passby all other requests
await next();
else {
var user = ctx.User; // now we have the current user
var resource = new { /* ... */ }; // construct description as you like
var authZService = ctx.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IAuthorizationService>();
var accessible =await authZService.AuthorizeAsync(user, resource,"MyPolicyName");
await next();
ctx.Response.StatusCode = 403;
await ctx.Response.WriteAsync("not allowed");